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Jobs In Benefits

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Jobs in Benefits connects world-class organizations with qualified candidates. Make your recruiting process easier by posting a job in minutes and get your organization in front of the benefit professionals you want on your team. Experienced candidates turn to Jobs in Benefits to find their next great role in this niche career; make sure you’re able to reach them by posting a job now.
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Career Resource Center

Do you work in the benefits field? The Career Resource Center is designed with your career in mind—whether it's providing support for your current or next role, aiding in your job search or preparing you for your next negotiation. Explore the career center to find tools that will take your career to the next level.

Developing Your Career as a Benefits Professional

The benefits industry and those who work in it have unique needs and everyday jobs. Learn more about what other benefits professionals are doing to make their work lives more balanced and beneficial.

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Power Your Future with a CEBS Designation

Are you interested in furthering your career and continuing your education? Learn how the Certificated Employee Benefit Specialist designation (CEBS) can help you grow your career.

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Latest Trends in Benefits

Keeping up with the latest trends in the workplace is a strong tool for both employers and employees to make sure you are making the most of your benefits. Check out these resources on the latest trends to help you ensure your benefits are up to date.

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Salary Information

Having a clear idea of the salaries in your field can help you feel confident in your own professional experience. View these salary resources to make sure you’re in tune with industry benchmarks.

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About Jobs in Benefits

Jobs in Benefits is the premier job site designed specifically for employers and job seekers in the employee benefits, compensation, and human resources industry. It’s a hub where the best candidates and the best organizations can connect, infusing new talent and innovation into the organizations across the industry. Looking to fill an employee benefits position or find your next great role? You’re in the right place.