2024 Medical Stop-Loss Premium Survey—Key Findings and Top Renewal Strategies

Tuesday, September 24-Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Free to International Foundation and ISCEBS members

Do you have an upcoming medical stop-loss renewal? Are you concerned about high-dollar medical claimants in your self-funded plan? Join us for a review of the latest premium expense, coverage trends and renewal strategies for medical stop-loss coverage. In its 18th year, this annual survey from Aegis Risk and ISCEBS captures the current expense of medical stop-loss and its role in protecting self-funded health plans from the volatility of catastrophic medical claimants. Stop-loss  remains the primary vehicle to protect plan sponsors against this financial risk, which can impact not just the plan but also the broader financial position of the plan sponsor. As the definitive authority on this coverage, this year's survey captures over 1.1 million covered employees and more than $1 billion in annual stop-loss premium, reflecting a broad range of stop-loss deductibles—from less than $50,000 to over $1 million. The presentation will share the survey findings on stop-loss premium and policy provisions as well as discuss key renewal and coverage strategies for your plan to consider. Current catastrophic claim dynamics will also be highlighted, including evolving gene therapy and rare disease treatments, which involve potential claim expenses in the millions. If you have a January 1 renewal, the timing is perfect to gain new knowledge before heading into renewal!


This webcast will review the following topics.

  • Understanding current stop-loss premium expense and recent increases, as well as the prevalence of coverage components, claims frequency and other risk management strategies
  • Awareness of the severity of and key drivers behind catastrophic medical claimants in the current health care environment, as well as evolving coverage options to further manage the related financial risk
  • Discussion of recommended strategies for your own stop-loss renewal or review of coverage, including preferred policy provisions, benchmarking and carrier selection
