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58th Annual Canadian Employee Benefits Conference

58th Annual Canadian Employee Benefits Conference
Sunday, November 23 - Wednesday, November 26, 2025

Hilton Bayfront,
San Diego, CA

The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans is pleased to present the Canadian Lifetime Volunteer Award. This award recognizes an individual's contributions toward the enrichment of the Foundation’s educational efforts and thereby its members.

Nomination Process

Nominations are held annually. Nominees will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the International Foundation Canadian Board. Following due diligence, the finalist(s) will be reviewed and a recipient selected by the Canadian Board, subject to final approval by the International Foundation Executive Committee.

Should there be no eligible candidates, no award will be given for the year. Self-nominations are not accepted. Should a nominee receive more than one nomination, the information will be compiled as one and will not influence the outcome. Winners of the award are excluded from winning future awards. Nominees must be current members or former members of the International Foundation in good standing. No posthumous nominations please.


Nominees should be held in the highest esteem by the Canadian employee benefits community, and will be evaluated on criteria including but not limited to length of service, professional designations, other academic achievements, overall body of volunteer work and contributions to the Canadian benefits industry. Candidates can include current or past International Foundation Canadian Board members, committee members, speakers, moderators, panelists, authors or other Foundation members.

The award will be presented at the Annual Canadian Employee Benefits Conference to be held August 16-19, 2026 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The recipient is expected to be in attendance.


Nomination forms for the 2026 award are due by Monday, January 26, 2026.

Nomination Form


Romphf, Robert (Bob)

Robert (Bob) Romphf
Manitoba Nurses Union
Winnipeg, Manitoba


Alan M. Minsky, KC
Firm Counsel
Koskie Minsky LLP
Toronto, Ontario


Susan Bird, CEBS, ISCEBS-Fellow, HIA, ICD.D
The McAteer Group of Companies
Markham, Ontario


Richard Lyall, M.A., CAE
RESCON Residential Construction Council of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario


Lyall A. Nash
President and General Manager
TESTCO Western Corporation
Calgary, Alberta


David N. Harvey
Chief Executive Officer
BPA Financial Group
Mississauga, Ontario


John W. Crouse, M.A., FCIA, FSA
National Director, Pension Benefits and Actuarial Consulting
Johnson Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta


Hamilton, Malcolm P.

Malcolm P. Hamilton, M.Sc., FSA
Senior Fellow
C.D. Howe Institute
Toronto, Ontario


Joan S. Tanaka
Prudent Benefits Administration Services Inc.
Toronto, Ontario