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Workplace Wellness

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The definition of wellness is evolving. Today, individuals, organizations, and community stakeholders are looking beyond health care cost control as the sole objective, and are turning their attention to the broader impact of a healthy workforce. International Foundation education is designed to help you understand this evolving context, and implement the most effective and meaningful interventions for your role and your population.


Health Benefits Conference & Expo

For nearly 30 years, the Health Benefits Conference & Expo (HBCE) has been a leading source for employee health benefits and wellness education. Our unique structure focuses heavily on employer case studies to provide attendees with proven solutions in all areas related to employee health benefits and wellness. At HBCE you can expect to hear from leading organizations and learn from expert practitioners about industry trends, critical issues and best practices that will assist you in reducing costs while improving employee engagement.

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Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference

For 30 years, the Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference has been presenting the very best in health promotion. Attendees will hear from the top scientists and practitioners in the field and return home equipped with practical strategies and research backup to make your programs and your work more effective. Gain a renewed sense of commitment and passion knowing that others like you are working to make a difference.

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Canadian Health and Wellness Innovations Conference

With issues such as the opioid addiction, growing concerns regarding mental health, how to handle medical cannabis, and rising prescription drug prices, the past couple of years stand out as some of the most volatile times for multiemployer and public employee benefit plans. The Canadian Health and Wellness Innovations Conference offers targeted and timely sessions on topics relevant to plan sponsors and participants. Explore new trends, share experiences and discover strategies to promote a complete culture of health.

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Workforce Wellness

A workforce wellness initiative is more than just a program. It refers to the systematic efforts of an organization to enhance the wellness of its members through education, behavioral change and cultural support. Many employers take an active role in supporting employee wellness because improved quality of life positively affects overall productivity, health and stability of the workforce. The key to long-term success is building a culture within the organization that encourages and supports health and healthy behaviors. This course provides a comprehensive overview of workforce wellness.

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Community as Medicine, Community as Culture: A Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach to Experiential Well-Being

Join Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference Chair Jessica Grossmeier for a conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Markle.

This webcast will preview Dr. Markle's plenary session at the upcoming conference. Community as Medicine is a joyful, high-vitality, heartfelt, intimate, playful and dynamic exploration of physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. Based on the work of Dr. Markle and Open Source Wellness, the experiential conference session aims to shift our approach from talking about health to experiencing well-being together in a way that rapidly generates a culture of authenticity, candor and alignment. In the webinar, Dr. Markle and Jessica will explore the research behind the Community as Medicine approach as well as other direct and indirect outcomes for those who participate.

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Burnout, Productivity and Pensions

While inflation is slowly coming back down, the financial pain for workers and employers remains significant. Many workers—especially women—nearing retirement don't have enough saved amid rising costs of living and housing anxiety. Despite inflationary pressures, workers remain willing to pay for a pension. Conversely, employers are generally in a stronger position as the labour market softens, with confidence in profitability and high growth. Amid wide agreement that Canada is facing a productivity crisis, the employers that are investing in employee retirement benefits report higher productivity and fewer negative impacts from burnout. Burnout will not burn itself out. As workers and productivity suffer, offering new or enhanced retirement benefits can improve recruitment, retention and financial wellness.

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Older woman working on laptop

Menopause in the Workplace: An Emerging Wellness Practice

Menopause is a life transition that is often overlooked in the workplace and in benefits offerings, despite the needs of employees in menopause being just as valid as those fully recognized when it comes to pregnancy and infertility. If left unaddressed, the menopause journey may result in an increase in health care costs ($1,700 per person on average) and absenteeism as well as a reduction in productivity. This session will provide wellness strategies for employers and employees to build an inclusive workplace culture that supports women through their menopause journey while enhancing recruitment and retention opportunities.

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A woman speaking with a doctor

The Silent Health Crisis: Menopause and the Hidden Link to Chronic Illness in the Workplace

Menopause isn’t just a natural transition—It’s a critical health stage with far-reaching consequences for women’s well-being and workplace productivity. The impact goes beyond symptoms like hot flashes and insomnia, as menopause is linked to an increased risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and mental health disorders. Yet, many organizations fail to recognize the connection, leaving women unsupported and at greater risk of health-related absences, disability claims and reduced performance.

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Survey Reports

Workplace Wellness and Financial Education Programs: 2022 Survey Results

Workplace wellness programs have grown to include benefits that address workers' mental health, financial health, growth and purpose. Physical health-related offerings like flu shots and health risk assessments remain popular but the meaning of wellness initiatives has been expanding.

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Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits: 2024 Survey Results

As more employees grapple with mental well-being, organizations are challenged with implementing new solutions to support mental health in the workplace.  Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits: 2024 Survey Results reveals the prevalence of various mental health challenges among workers and their families. Data indicates that to combat conditions on the rise, employers are focused on improving manager mental health training, rethinking employee assistance programs (EAPs), and enhancing virtual mental health options.

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Success Stories

Case Studies

Learn what's working for organizations across different sectors and industries when it comes to innovative workplace wellness strategies--from chronic disease management to financial wellness.

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