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Job Posting

Executive Director

CEBS Requirement: Preferred

Columbus, OH

The State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio is seeking an Executive Director. STRS Ohio is headquartered in Columbus and was the first statewide, actuarially-based teacher retirement system in the United States. STRS Ohio is a cost-sharing, multiple-employer plan providing service retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to teachers and faculty members of public boards of education, state-supported colleges and universities, and the state of Ohio and its political subdivisions. As of June 30, 2024, STRS Ohio served 543,940 members while participating employers numbered 1,133. As of that same date, assets under management were $96.9 billion. The Executive Director role reports to the Retirement Board.

Responsibilities of the Executive Director include the following:

  • Develop, recommend and implement operational and investment policies and objectives of the Retirement Board, administer the System in a manner that complies with federal and state laws and safeguard the fiduciary responsibility of the Board and Executive Director.
  • Establish objectives for accomplishing goals of the System, monitor and periodically update operating systems and procedures to assure the System is responsive, effective, and productive.
  • Provide guidance and direction for the day-to-day operation of the System and assure that employees experience the necessary training and development to accomplish the goals of the System.
  • Establish and manage an effective procedure for measuring, monitoring, and evaluating the performance of the staff and the System.

To learn more about the Responsibilities and Preferred Qualifications please view the link below:

To apply please send your resume to Tamara at [email protected].


State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio

[email protected]