Virtual CEBS Exams

Virtual Online Exams

Virtual online testing for CEBS exams offers a convenient way to take your exam. All applications that are submitted for exams will be processed as virtual exams. 

Please review the detailed information provided below regarding exam registration, preparation and setting up your technology, accessing and completing your exam, and viewing your educational record. If you have any questions regarding any step in the process, please reach out to the CEBS Customer Service team Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CST


U.S. Students

Canadian Students

Exams Purchased in 2024 include two exam attempts. Important details regarding the second attempt are:

1. The two attempts are only valid on the original exam purchased.

2. The second exam attempt must be taken in either the same testing window as the failed exam or in the next approaching window. The second attempt cannot be extended past the next approaching exam window.

3. In order to use the second testing attempt in the same window as the failed exam, you must submit your online order for the second attempt at least 15 calendar days prior to the close of the testing window.

4. If the exam is passed on the first attempt, the second attempt is no longer valid. The second attempt is non-transferable.

5. If the exam is not passed and both attempts are used, an exam retake may be purchased for further attempts.

6. Transferring the exam from the original testing window purchased would incur a transfer fee for the service.

If you require special accommodations, please call CEBS Customer Service for assistance with applying for your exam.
How to Prepare and Required Technology

Q1: Are CEBS virtual exams available 24/7?

A: Yes, your exam is available any time during the window you selected; however, customer support is not available 24/7. The CEBS Customer Service department is available Monday-Friday 8am-5pm CST. Please keep this in mind as you decide when to take your exam. You can complete your exam until 11:59 p.m. ET on the final day of the testing window/quarter.

Q2: Do I need an exam appointment to test virtually?

A: No, an appointment is not needed to test virtually. Once you have purchased an exam in a particular window, you may take your virtual exam at any time during that window.

Q3: What is the exam format?

A: The exam is comprised of 75 to 85 multiple choice questions. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Q4: Can I use a laptop?

A: Yes, a desktop or laptop computer are preferred. You will need an internet connection, Chrome browser, webcam, microphone and ability to download the Proctorio extension to access the exam.

Q5: What internet browser should I use?

A: It is required that you use Chrome.

Q6: Do I need a computer with a camera or a microphone?

A: Yes, your computer must have a camera and a microphone.

Q7: What if I am taking my exam on my company's computer or laptop and my company restricts access to my CEBS exam?

A: You will need to check with your organization for any restrictions or firewalls that they have in place. You are encouraged to confirm this in advance for a smoother test day experience. If need be, you will need to use your personal device to ensure that you are able to download the required Proctorio extension. 

Q8: What if I have a spotty internet connection?

A: It is your responsibility to ensure that you have an adequate internet connection. You may wish to ask other users in your household to limit their internet use while you take your exam.  If your internet access is temporarily interrupted, it is recommended to log back into your exam.  If you are unable to complete the exam, the exam will automatically submit at the expiration of the allotted timeframe.

Q9: How are CEBS virtual exams being offered?

A: CEBS virtual exams are available through The Institutes—a testing resource that CEBS partners with. The CEBS course name and number will be displayed as you access your exam, however The Institute's name/logo will be displayed during your exam.

Q10: Will there be a countdown clock during my exam?

A: Yes, a countdown clock showing the time limit will be visible during your exam. The clock cannot be paused once you begin the exam.  At the end of the timeframe, your exam will automatically be submitted as is.

Q11: CEBS Virtual Exam Code of Conduct

A: You will be required to agree to the CEBS Virtual Exam Code of Conduct before launching your exam. To review the Code of Conduct, please visit

Q12: Can I earn Continuing Education credit for passing an exam?

A: Some state boards require that self-study exams be taken in a proctored (monitored) environment.  It is your responsibility to confirm CE rules that apply to you before completing an application for a virtual exam. The Proctorio extension is not a proctored environment for CE purposes. If your state board requires a monitored exam, you MUST complete the  Continuing Education Monitor Affidavit and return it per the instructions on the form. Failure to return the required form will result in no credit being reported.   

Proctor requirements may vary by state, but in general a proctor must meet these requirements:

  • Must be over 18 years old
  • Must be a disinterested third-party with no financial interest in promoting a successful examination result
  • May be a co-worker provided there is no direct reporting relationship
  • Must not be anyone in direct line of authority with the examinee (not an employee, employer, or supervisor)
  • Must not have a family interest in the success of the examinee
  • Must not be a teacher or former pupil
  • Must commit to being in the room with the examinee for the entire virtual online exam.
How To Complete Your Exam

Q1: How do I access my CEBS exam?

A: To access your exam:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to your account using your email address with the login in the upper right corner
    a. The first time that you log in, you will need to reset your password (click here for instructions on resetting your password) 
  3. Click on "My Courses & Exams" in the upper right corner    
  4.  Select your exam.

On the "Getting Started" Page -

Please read all instructions provided prior to opening your exam.

Install the Proctorio Chrome Extension (link provided on website) - 

  • You are required to download the Chrome Proctorio extension in order to begin your exam.
  • If you have issues with this process, you can contact proctorio through live chat at or email at [email protected].

You will see four boxes when you scroll down on the screen.

You will be asked to-

  • Click on and agree to the CEBS Virtual Exam Code of Conduct
  • By taking a CEBS virtual exam, you are agreeing to the  CEBS Code of Conduct.
  • Click on and Open the How-To Guide
  • Click on the Exam Box when ready to begin

Once in the box titled "Exam" – Follow the How To Guide’s step by step instructions

  • Click on the “Secure Exam Proctor” View Link button to confirm Proctorio is installed
  • Next – Click on the “Take Exam” box in the middle of the screen
  • Follow the prompts on the screen – Click the Begin Attempt Button

Proctorio Diagnostic Check

  • Proctorio will walk you through a diagnostic check to test your camera, microphone, and request permission to view/record your screen.  This is a required step and tests taken without enabling Proctorio will result in an invalidated grade for that exam.
  • Click the Next button once the diagnostic test is complete.

Exam Agreement 

  • Click the I Agree button once you have read and reviewed the Exam Agreement

Beginning your exam –  

Once you have completed above steps – you will be at the entrance to your exam.  On the screen will be a question box that holds a link to your exam.  Please read all instructions carefully.

Your exam is hosted on the Surpass Testing Platform that is accessed through the link in this question box. 

  • Click the Link in the Question #1 Box – this will open your exam in a new window.
  • The exam timer starts when you click the link inside the Question 1 box, and it cannot be paused. You will have one attempt to complete the exam.
  • During the exam process, to see which questions are flagged by section, you may click on the "Review Attempt" button. It will show a quick summary of all questions indicating the question number, a flag if it has been flagged, and the question status (such as Not Yet Answered, or Answered).  This function works separately within the three types of question groups.  To go back to any specific question from the Review Attempt screen, simply click on the question number and it will take you there.  

Complete your exam in it’s entirety and when completed, submit your exam.  You will receive a pass/non-pass notification.

  • After you have received your exam results, you will be notified that you have submitted your exam successfully and you can close the exam window.
  • The prior window will be visible with Question #1 on it – please type confirm that you have completed your exam provided in the link – and click submit.  This question does not affect your grade/score, and is used solely for technical purposes to end your session with The Institutes.
During the Exam Taking Process

Q1: What role does the Proctorio extension play in the exam-taking process?

A: The Proctorio component provides audio, video and screen recordings during your exam.  Proctorio only records during an exam.  Recording starts right as you enter the exam, after the diagnostics pre-check and exam agreement have been completed. Recording stops when you submit or close the exam.

Q2: What behavior is flagged by Proctorio during the exam process?

A: To protect the integrity of the exam, behaviors monitored include eye movement, background noise, time away from the computer, etc. You must complete the exam without assistance from any other persons and may not communicate with anyone during the exam. You must take the examination in a space that is private and clear of all extraneous materials such as study notes, course materials, programmable calculators, erasable whiteboards and all mobile devices including cell phones, handheld computers and additional computer monitors. Each CEBS exam is a timed exam and once the exam starts, the timer continues to run and cannot be paused. All results are final, numerical scores are not released, and grading is on a Pass/Non-Pass basis.

Q3: Can Proctorio access any of my personal computer files or data or have access to my web history?

A: No, Proctorio does not access any files or data stored on your computer nor does it have access to your web browser history.

After Taking the Exam

Q1: Who reviews the recordings of my exam process?

A: Only approved representatives of the CEBS program have access to your audio, video and screen recordings. The CEBS Program reserves the right to follow up on potential breaches of exam integrity and affirm responses meet the standards of certification or the CEBS Program can disallow the results.

Q2: Once I install Proctorio, is it always on?

A: No. Proctorio only runs during an exam. You can tell when Proctorio is "on" because the Proctorio extension shield icon will turn green. Since Proctorio is a browser extension, it can be uninstalled or disabled immediately after an exam is submitted, and reinstalled or enabled in time for the next exam.

Q3. What if I experience technical difficulties when taking my exam?

A: CEBS Customer Service will be able to assist you Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CST.  If you elect to take your exam during a time when Customer Service is not available, and you experience a problem, we will not be able to assist you until the hours of operation noted above.

Q4: How will my grade be reported?

A: You will receive a Pass/Fail notification on the screen within 15-20 seconds after you have submitted the virtual exam for scoring. Please be aware that diagnostics are not available in this virtual environment.

You will also receive an email within three business days with the following instructions to view your exam results in two ways:

1. On our website through your Profile. To view or print your CEBS Transcript including your recent exam results, please follow these instructions:

  1. Log in at
  2. Select "My Profile" from the "My Account" drop-down options
  3. Click on "Educational Records" tab
  4. Click on "International Foundation Educational Records" and open the PDF file that will appear at the bottom of your screen.

2. On The Institutes website. To view your exam results within the virtual testing environment at The Institutes through the end of your testing quarter, please follow these instructions:

    1. Go to
    2. Log in to your account using your email address and password with the LOGIN in the upper right corner
    3. Click on "My Courses & Exams" in the upper right corner
    4. Click on "Access Content"
    5. Click on the green Exam box
    6. Click on the yellow "Take Exam" box and a screen with your exam results will appear.