Study Materials
CEBS study materials have been designed to prepare you for a successful exam, while providing knowledge you can put into action at work right away. Whether you select independent study or enroll in an instructor-led online class, you will need the course Study Guide and designated textbook to prepare for each exam.
Study Guide
The Study Guide has two major elements to support your learning:
Learning Modules provide structured coverage and highlights key elements and critical takeaways of the Assigned Reading. The learning modules draw on readings from textbooks and other readings written by leading academics and expert practitioners. Assigned readings anchor understanding within the existing legal frameworks and marketplace trends in order to provide you with a context to approach the challenging scenarios referenced in the applications.
Each module includes valuable learning tools:
- Learning Objectives describe what is expected you will learn from the readings and the case application components.
- Outline of Knowledge communicates the sequence of topic coverage in the readings.
- Key Terms/Concepts highlight terminology you will hear in the workplace.
- Content Knowledge Review poses questions and answers emphasizing industry terminology and essential understanding for a self-assessment of your learning. Questions and answers are grouped by Learning Objective. Professional Enrichment Readings that may be included pull in relevant and useful resources from a variety of sources to reinforce learning retention and application.
Applications are designed to make you think about how what you are learning translates to the work world. Two types of applications are provided throughout the CEBS courses—Benefits in Action and the Integrated Case. Both use conversational narratives supported with graphics and exercises to aid learning retention.
Benefits in Action (BIA) cases are short scenarios based on content covered in the module, presenting "real-world" case applications: challenging issues inviting you to bring your knowledge to frame and evaluate the factors, collaborate with other benefits professionals and ultimately approach the best solutions.
The Integrated Case Study is the final module of the course and draws upon knowledge presented across multiple modules. Like the BIAs, it presents a "real-world" issue or challenge but will highlight a multifaceted, complex benefit issue with supplementary "real-world" data, requiring strategic thinking and tactical problem solving. Each CEBS course has an Integrated Case.
Practice Exam
The online study material includes a practice exam with the study guide. The practice exam is intended to help you prepare for the CEBS exam by presenting an overview of the content and format of the examination. In the practice exam, you will be exposed to the same types of questions that appear on the national CEBS examination.
This form of review is also a valuable tool in assessing your understanding and retention of the course content. The practice exam is available exclusively online and accessible with any Internet-connected device via the online environment. You can take the exam as many times as you wish, with immediate results indicating areas that may need additional study, along with page reference sources and the correct responses.
The CEBS practice exam offers:
- 75-85 sample questions in random order grouped by question type: straight answer and "all EXCEPT"
- 90 minute timer
- The ability to navigate within the 75-85 questions
- The ability to mark questions for follow up and review
A textbook and/or supplementary readings are required for each course, providing the theory and content of the topics covered in the study guide.
Please note: If you are enrolling in a Canadian course, you must purchase your course materials through Books for Business.
Online Study Group with Instructor Support
Need a little push to stay on track or the security of expert and peer support? Online Study Groups are for you. Study groups provide access to an instructor, a structured time frame and peer interaction.
Questions about your next step?
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Give us a call at (800) 449-2327, option 3 or email [email protected].
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Give us a call at (833) 886-3749 or email [email protected].