Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are designed to pay for day-to-day
qualified medical expenses on a tax-favored basis before health coverage
provided through a high deductible health plan (HDHP) kicks in. Learn
about who can own and contribute to an HSA, as well as contribution
limits, distribution requirements and administration considerations.
Conclude this course by comparing HSAs to other employer-sponsored
health accounts.
Lessons include:
- Establishing an HSA
- High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP)
- HSA Eligibility
- HSA Contributions Made By Individuals
- HSA Contributions Made By Employers
- HSA Distributions
- Responsibilities of HSA Owners, Employers, Custodians and Trustees
- Pros and Cons of HSAs.
View full course outline [PDF].
This course counts toward the
Fundamentals in Health Benefits certificate. Earn your certificate to understand group health plan structures, laws and regulations, funding and more.
Three-Credit Course
Price: $195 Members
($285 Nonmembers)
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