Fundamentals in Retirement Plans
Gain a solid understanding of what retirement income needs are and how retirement plans work to meet those needs. Learn about the various types of registered and nonregistered pension and savings plans and their pros and cons for employer and employee. Take a deep dive into the intent and application of the Guidelines for Capital Accumulation Plans (CAP Guidelines) and the Pension Plan Governance Guideline issued by the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA).
Benefits of Earning Your Certificate
After successfully earning your Fundamentals in Retirement Plans certificate you will be able to:
- Explain how retirement plans meet retirement income needs and the basic structure of the retirement system put in place to meet those needs
- Describe the types of retirement plans offered by employers and their advantages and disadvantages for employees and employers
- Be mindful of the responsibilities of plan sponsors, advisers and service providers outlined by the CAP Guidelines and CAPSA Guidelines
- Outline the role of the insurer in the group retirement plan life cycle.
Who Should Enroll
This certificate is well-suited for anyone who administers, manages, services or sells group retirement plans. It explores retirement plans from a variety of perspectives, giving the student a broader understanding of the bigger picture and the role he or she plays in that picture.
Following the successful completion of an online certificate in retirement plan fundamentals, students will be able to apply their knowledge in the field and gain valuable experience. Students will also be well-prepared to further apply their learning by attending face-to-face International Foundation programs and earning their Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) designation.