Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities
Recommended Sequence (part 3 of 4): The first two courses in the curriculum are The Retirement Landscape and Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans. It is recommended that you take this course before Life Cycle of a Group Retirement Plan.
Retirement Plan Sponsor Responsibilities outlines the intent and application of the Guidelines for Capital Accumulation Plans (CAP Guidelines) and the Pension Plan Governance Guideline issued by the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA). It reviews the significance of both sets of guidelines for plan sponsors, plan members and service providers and highlights key differences between them. Steps taken by these groups when setting up, operating and terminating a CAP are reviewed.
- Lesson 1: Implications of the Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) Guidelines for CAP Stakeholders
- Lesson 2: Setting Up a CAP
- Lesson 3: Introducing a CAP to Plan Members
- Lesson 4: Maintaining a CAP and Providing Ongoing Communication to Plan Members
- Lesson 5: Terminating a CAP
View full course outline [PDF].
This course counts toward the
Fundamentals in Retirement Plans certificate. Earn your certificate to understand what retirement income
needs are and how retirement plans work to meet those needs.
One-Credit Course
Price: $95 Members
($145 Nonmembers)
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